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Departmental members of staff engage in IGU services while observing governments COVID-19 safety measures.

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Members of department offer IGU services observing the governments COVID-19 required safety measures. Production of skeletons has become a frequent activity in the department as more institutions order for the skeletons for practical teachings. Above is a skeleton of a donkey almost complete and on the right pig skeleton in its early stage.

DVAP members of Academic staff embrace the new method of working online at home in the wake of COVID -19 pandemic challenges.


Head of Department Prof. Makanya as he coordinates the academic staff online training where all the academic logged in and trained on how they can use the online services to teach their students from their homes through  the technology.  

Qualitative Data Analysis workshop held in Maanzoni from 24th to 26th February, 2020

Prof Oduma

Prof Oduma (centre) Dr. Kaluwa (left) at a Qualitative Data Analysis workshop held in Maanzoni from 24th to 26th February, 2020. A project of Shevax+ is an IDRC-LVIF funded action research to support women’s agency and empowerment in livestock vaccine distribution, delivery and use in Kenya , Uganda and Rwanda.

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