- 12/3/25 VASWA Farewell Party for Principal Technologist Mr. Mugweru
- 4/12/2024 VASWA WALFARE AGM Meeting
- 14/12/2022 Retirement Farewell party for Prof. P.M. Mathiu.
- 8/12/2022 VASWA Welfare AGM Meeting.
- 5/8/2022 Farewell Party for Prof. J. Oduma on her retirement.
- 23/8/2022 Goodwill lunch offered in celebration of a staff promotion.
- 17/3/2022 VAPWA holds an AGM meeting.
- 17/6/2021 VAPWA AGM Meeting held.
- 12/2/2021 One of the Departmental Welfare(VAPWA) holds an AGM.