Doctor of Philosophy in Comparative Animal Physiology


The program is to produce highly skilled researchers with capacity to innovate, interrogate and make inferences on intricate issues on physiological and related sciences, using integrative, explorative and investigative approaches. The graduates from the program will represent a critical mass of future potential key researchers, all trained in interdisciplinary research, while still representing different scientific traditions and backgrounds and forming an inspiring and cross-pollinating research circle. The researchers will be in a position to address issues related to ambiguities, in physiological and related sciences, train and supervise postgraduate students at masters and doctoral levels. Additionally, the graduates will form a pool of trainers for universities worldwide.

SCHEDULE OF INTAKE:        -August/September


Admission into the programme shall be opened to: i) Holders of Master of Science degree in Comparative Physiology of the University of Nairobi. ii) Holders of a Master of Science degree in Comparative Physiology from other Universities which has been approved by the Senate to be equivalent to Master of Science in Comparative Physiology of the University of Nairobi. iii) Holders of a Bachelor’s degree in Veterinary Medicine or equivalent who, having been validly registered for Master’s degree in the University of Nairobi, have been allowed by Senate to have their Master’s degree upgraded to a Doctoral level in the prescribed manner. iv). Candidates will be required to draw and submit a detailed Doctoral research proposal in the prescribed manner at the time of applying for admission.


  • International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI
  • Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
  • Veterinarians Without Borders (VSF)
  • International collaborating universities and laboratories
  • National museums of Kenya

Career Prospects

  • Non-Governmental Organizations
  • Research Organizations/Institutes
  • International Organizations
  • Government Sector
  • Community Service
  • Self-employment
  • Private Sector
  • Consultancy
  • Academia
   Year I    Year 2    Year 3   Total 
TUITION                  396,000.00                  396,000.00               396,000.00               1,188,000.00
ICT SERVICES - (PER YEAR)                       7,000.00                       7,000.00                    7,000.00                     21,000.00
THESIS EXAMINATION                                    -                                      -                    50,000.00                     50,000.00
REGISTRATION (PER SEMESTER@2250)                       4,500.00                       4,500.00                    4,500.00                     13,500.00
ID CARD ( PER YEAR)                       1,000.00                       1,000.00                    1,000.00                       3,000.00
CAUTION - (ONCE)                       5,000.00                                    -                                   -                         5,000.00
MEDICAL FEE (PER YEAR)                       6,500.00                       6,500.00                    6,500.00                     19,500.00
ACTIVITY-( PER YEAR)                       2,000.00                       2,000.00                    2,000.00                       6,000.00
LIBRARY (PER YEAR)                       5,000.00                       5,000.00                    5,000.00                     15,000.00
STUDENT ORGANISATION(PER YEAR)                       1,000.00                       1,000.00                    1,000.00                       3,000.00
EXAMINATION (PER UNIT @1000)                                    -                                      -                                   -                                      -  
Grand totals      428,000.00      423,000.00    473,000.00   1,324,000.00

In a world bediviled by the effects of zoonotic diseases, antimicrobial resistance, food insecurity, economic crises, chronic famines, chronic pandemics and erratic climate changes, it is self-evident that promotion of one health is an inevitable target. One Health concept refers to the unity of multiple practices that work together locally, nationally, and globally to help achieve optimal health for people, animals, and the environment. Well-trained and skilled professionals at PhD level make transformative leaders and change agents with requisite knowledge on the parameters of One Health, mobilization of skills and appropriate participatory approaches required to assist communities to develop policy and generate research data that would guide integrated animal, people and environmental health management as well as sustainable food production and food security.

Application Information

Apply online at 

Mode of Delivery

Full Time

This program is by research and thesis and has no course-work component.

The programme is delivered by supervisors through a variety of face-to-face methods such as tutorials, experiential exercises, practical exercises, seminars, individual and/or group assignments and presentations.

Open, Distance Learning, and e-Learning (ODeL)

The ODeL mode of study is offered using multi-media approach, including a variety of self instructional print and electronic study materials. In addition, there is limited face-to-face instructional mode during residential training. ;

Contacts of support persons

Chairman DVAP.   E-mail:

Course Coordinator. E-mail: 


The Chairman,

Department of Veterinary Anatomy and Physiology.

P. O. Box 30197-00100 Nairobi, Kenya.

Tel. No. : +254 20 44469706448 / 0728 965 475


Programme Coordinator:


Physical Location: College of Biological and Physical Sciences,

Chiromo Campus,

off Riverside Drive.


In order to provide more impetus for improved animal health, to train adequate personnel in the fields of veterinary medicine, wildlife conservation, fisheries and aquaculture management and related disciplines, there is need to train the “trainers of trainers. The ‘trainers of trainers’, are a pool of highly skilled manpower capable of producing new professionals, creating new knowledge in these fields in way of new research and empirical data generation as well as attracting funds for advanced research. The current PhD degree program in Comparative Physiology is designed to address the need for producing trained manpower that is more inclined towards generation of new information in line with the current trend of adopting technological innovations involving biotechnology as well as information and communication technology in the agricultural, veterinary, medical and pharmaceutical-related enterprises and promotion of the One Health Policy. The food and nutrition sectors are dynamic, with several changes taking place in recent years, most notably the Kenya government’s emphasis on the Big Four Agenda that includes growth in the manufacturing sector and improvement of food and nutrition security.

Goal of the program

1.4. Goal of the Programme

The goal of programme aims to produce highly skilled researchers with capacity to innovate,
interrogate and make inferences on intricate issues on physiological and related sciences, using
integrative, explorative and investigative approaches. The graduates from the programme will
represent a critical mass of future potential key researchers, all trained in interdisciplinary
research while still representing different scientific traditions and backgrounds and forming an
inspiring and cross-pollinating research circle. The researchers will be in a position to address
issues related to ambiguities in physiological and related sciences, train and supervise
postgraduate students at Masters and Doctoral levels. Additionally, the graduates will form a
pool of trainers for university leaners worldwide.

1.5. Expected Learning Outcomes

At the end of the PhD programme, the candidate should be able to:

  1. Design researchable problems in various specialization areas within Animal Physiology.
  2. Publish and make significant scientific research contributions to the field of Animal Physiology



  1. Prof. C.N. Kimwele
  2. Prof. Jemimah Oduma

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