3rd international conference on humane dog population management in Mombasa 18th to 21st Sep. 2019

September 18, 8:30 am
Dr Ochwangi
Sarova Whitesands hotel Mombasa 


Dr. Dominic Ochwangi attends the 3rd international  conference on humane dog population management in Sarova Whitesands hotel Mombasa 18th-21st September 2019 and World Rabies Day Celebrations.

Dr Ochwangi
Sarova Whitesands hotel Mombasa 


Dr. Dominic Ochwangi attends the 3rd international  conference on humane dog population management in Sarova Whitesands hotel Mombasa 18th-21st September 2019 and World Rabies Day Celebrations.

Kva-Icam:Conference Themes:

1.Achieving rabies elimination by 2030
2.One Health and DPM – benefits to animal welfare, public health and the environment
3.Innovative tools and approaches in real-life DPM projects
4.Using data in DPM design, monitoring and evaluation
5.Community engagement and human behaviour change
6.Resolving conflicts with wildlife and livestock
assessment tool.